Wine symbolizes the
blood of all men. And the Son gave His wine at the Last Supper. For He gave us the
Blood of His great sacrifice. But no man shall ever forget His words at the table: "I will not drink of the cup of this fruit until I drink it anew in My Father's kingdom". For this time the Son shall drink of the
blood of mankind.
Wine is a spirit, which in moderation brings gladness, but in excess causes heartbreak. For wine can 'gladden the human heart';(Psalm 104:14-15) but wine in excess 'is a mocker', and 'whoever is led astray by it is not wise.' (Proverbs 20:1) For the fall of man is traced back to wine, a spirit which has led men astray. And one does not have to look far, to see what great harm wine has done. For the Palestinians to this day, live with the curse of Canaan, for he refused to cover his drunken father's nakedness. (Genesis 9:21-25) And the nations of Jordan (Ammon) and Syria (Moab) to this day, live with the curse of Lot, for in a drunken state he slept with his daughters. (Genesis 19:35-38) And the countries of Islam to this day, suffer from the curse of Esau, whose inheritance was stolen by Jacob, while his father lay drunk. (Genesis 17:24-25) And even to this day, the curse of wine continues on, for as the end comes near,the curse has transferred to the Bush administration , but 'whoever loves pleasure will suffer want; whoever loves wine and oil will not be rich.' (Proverbs 21:17)